PT. Amythas


Dear Partner,


It's always been an honor for us to see how our service paints a pleasure through your smile. Thank you for giving us the honor. By the way, how's your business today?

There's a saying that there's a woman behind every man success. Our version tell that there's a consultant behind every company's success. A good one. Due to that matters, we need to tell you that we will always be there for you, partner. You can count on us. Our extensive exprerience in working on internationally financed projects for years, has left no space for doubt and uncertainty.

Our services is exceptional. Customized to your business needs, continually strengthened to fully committed to your business. Amythas has served numbers of bilateral and multilateral finance agencies such as World Bank, ADB, USAID, UNESCO, JBIC and European Economic Community, also national and provincial governments as well as private companies and you.

Thank you for trusting us.




Erie Heryadi